SPARC Hope serves single parents who are struggling to make ends meet and who are willing to make the extra effort to help secure the future for themselves and their children. We are also a liaison between resources and services for single parents in our community. SPARC Hope is not welfare or charity, but rather a hand up. Our goal is to uplift the Spiritual, Physical and Emotional needs of single parents. We want to empower single parents to seek a better quality of life through pursuing higher education, allowing them to become self-supportive through a new career. We understand the road to the American Dream is often full of obstacles, ones we are willing to help tackle with our parents.
We update our Top 10 Pantry Needs on Facebook & Instagram every Friday, be sure to follow us on Social Media for all current needs.
For more information about hosting a collection barrel or pantry drive, please contact Andrea Nally at
Would you like to drop off items? Please call the office and drop by Mondays & Tuesdays from 10 am- 3 pm.
11921 Brinley Avenue, Suite 101
Louisville, KY 40243
(off Evergreen Road in Middletown)
Phone: 502.245.9899
Fax: 502.245.5796
Office Email: