Need Assistance

Our Life Plan Program focuses on long term support for those working AND in college, university or trade school!

If you have an EMERGENCY, please check out the resource lists below:

The first step in receiving assistance from SPARC is for us to determine where you are and what is the need.  Below is the intake form we use to gather information to assess that need. Please fill out the form completely. When we receive and review, we will contact you on your next steps.


Life Plan Program

To be eligible for our Life Plan, you must be…

 A single parent with at least 50% custody of your children

Working at least 20 hours per week

Attending a college, university or trade school, or Institution of Higher Education (IHE) accredited by the state of Kentucky or Indiana, at least ½ time, and have a minimum 2.0 GPA.  And at least 12 months left in your educational journey.

No cohabitation in a partnered relationship (living together but not married)

If you meet those requirements, we can begin the interview process. We will need you to supply a letter of good standing from your institution and other credentials required to qualify.  Life Plan clients may access the food pantry as often as needed. Once you become a client, you could receive help with rent, utilities, water and other financial assistance, and will have full access to our food pantry, clothing closet, access to household items, discounted car repair, and more. We try and assist with anything that would “bust your budget” while you are trying to finish your education.

Bridge Program

Approximately 31% of teenage girls become pregnant at least once before reaching the age of 20. Less than 40% of teen mothers that begin families before the age of 18 ever earn a high school diploma, and only 1.5% earn a college degree by the age of 30. SPARC Hope partners with the TAPP, TeenAge Parenting Program, to begin our BRIDGE Program. We want to connect with teenage single mothers in the hopes of encouraging them to move onto higher education.

In 2019, after a rise in our intakes, we looked at our Bridge Program and decided we could also offer this program to our intakes who are strong candidates for our Life Plan Program, but need that semester (approximately 3 months) to transition into our Life Plan Program. This is very similar to our TAPP clients who are transitioning from high school to college. Some examples would be:

  • Someone not currently in school, but willing to work with an Educational Specialist and be enrolled within the next semester.
  • Someone who is not currently working, but willing to work the process we require when a client is out of work and will secure employment within a semester.
  • Someone lacking a 2.0 GPA, working diligently to get grades up in the current semester

If you are interested in applying for the BRIDGE program or have any questions about the program please call the office at 502-245-9899, or fill out our intake form below.

Food Pantry Client

If you are in need of food assistance, but do not qualify for our life plan, we can assist by offering groceries once a quarter for one year only. You will receive one bag of groceries per family member. The requirements to have access to this service is to provide a valid driver’s license or state issued I.D. card and Social Security Card for the single parent and each child under the age of 18 in the home. During these 4 visits, we hope to be able to encourage you to become a life plan client, or at least let us assist you in ways to further your career so that you can support your family.


If you do not qualify for our Life Plan, Bridge Program or Food Pantry, we keep a resource list in the office of agencies that assist with different needs.  We will be glad to assist you by sharing our resource to help meet your needs. Please fill out intake form below:

Career and Educational Coaching

We are so excited about expanding our services through offering career planning or educational planning.  We have several advisors and organizaitons willing to work with you to help you qualify for our program.  

First step to getting assistance is filling out the Intake Form listed below.
Once you have completed this form, 
one of our Intake Coordinators will get back with you within one week.
Please note, we do not take on new clients during the month of December.   
We will send out resources, but not resume the intake process until January.


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11921 Brinley Avenue,
Suite 101 Louisville, KY 40243

Call Us: (502) 245-9899

Still Have Questions?

(If you need assistance, please go to our Need Assistance tab, fill out intake form, and submit.)