- A single parent with at least 50% custody of your children
- Working at least 20 hours per week
- Attending a college, university or trade school, or Institution of Higher Education (IHE) accredited by the state of Kentucky or Indiana, at least ½ time, and have a minimum 2.0 GPA.
- No cohabitation in a partnered relationship (living together but not married)
After qualifying for the program, single parents who are admitted could receive help with rent, utilities, water and other financial assistance. Once we have received the initial intake form from our Need Assistance page, you will be contacted to see if you can move forward in the process. The next step would be supplying 3 copies of your most recent pay stubs from current job and a letter of good standing from your institution showing GPA, class schedule and projected graduation date with degree being obtained. Other credentials are required to qualify.
To find out if you may be eligible for our Life Plan program, please go to the Need Assistance page and fill out our Intake Form. If you know you meet the minimum requirements, after filling out the intake form, someone will contact you with information on our Life Plan application process. You will need to send us the above documentation and fill out intake form before moving forward. Someone will get back with you after we have had a chance to review documentation. Thank you!
We do not take walk-ins. All services are by appointment only.
To find out more about our programs, please call 502-245-9899.