In this time of uncertainty, we are doing everything we can to continue to raise funds to continue our mission and commitment to our clients. Again, we want to thank our community for all of the support for our pantry. The response has been wonderful and such a blessing. However, we still have financial needs to be met. We continue monitoring our clients closely as 4 of them have lost their jobs.
For those seeking assistance during this time, we are still accepting applications! If you are a a single parent, going to school at least part-time, and working at least 20 hrs, you could qualify for our Life Plan Program! For complete details, please visit our website:
One way you can give is to become a monthly donor. We have people who give $5 a month, and people who give $250 a month. Think about it….for the price of a Starbucks, you can make a difference in the life of a single parent and their entire family!
Two other ways that were made aware that people can give during these times:
- Congress has approved a special provision to allow donors to take a $300 deduction for donations, regardless if you itemize your tax return. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to support our mission now.
- Qualified Charitable IRA Distributions allow people ages 70 1/2 or older to instruct IRA trustees to make transfers to charity without incurring taxable income on those amounts up to $100k per year.
As always, please check with your adviser to see what is best for your situation!
We know during these times there may be even more single parents needing our assistance. Just to give a quick recap of our programs and how we can assist:
- Life Plan – Must be working a minimum of 20 hours a week and attend an institute of Higher Education 1/2 time.
- Food Pantry – Must be a single parent experiencing food insecurity.
- Resources – Not eligible for our program, but still need housing, utilities, infant needs, etc.
Life Plan clients receive: Groceries, household items, resources, and may receive financial assistance.
Food Pantry clients receive: 1 bag of groceries per family member, once a quarter, for a year.
Resources you receive: Phone numbers to agencies that can assist with further needs.
During this time of uncertainty, we have had to change the way we do business, just a little, to keep everyone safe. Some of the changes we have implemented:
- Instead of face to face appointments, all are being done via phone, email, text, and zoom.
- Staff are rotating days in the office. Someone is always in to receive donations & make sure clients receive services needed, especially the pantry.
- To Practice social distancing, we put a bin out front for donors to drop off items and not have to come in to the Center.
- Pantry visits have always been by appointment only; they come in and shop. Now, they send in grocery list, we bag them, and bring out to their car.
- We are delivering groceries to some clients.
- We also had many volunteers come in and assist with office and pantry. We are now down to one volunteer coming in to help with our financials.
- We have always been blessed with groups of volunteers coming in to assist with projects; that has come to a complete stop.
- We have several fundraisers throughout the year to keep us on budget; right now they have all been postponed. However, we have upgraded our online donation capabilities and are encouraging ALL donors to give online.
All and all, we feel blessed. Currently, our doors are open, we are able to practice social distancing, we can still meet our clients needs through our food pantry and helping them watch their financial needs, all while keeping everyone safe.
We have been blessed by the way our community has kicked in and continues to bring items to supply our pantry (see instructions below). People have been coming from everywhere to drop off donations. We use our Facebook page and website to post needs. Anchorage Living has been great in sharing our needs as well as NextDoor Middletown. The Middletown Chamber continues to share our needs, and also members of the Relationship and Referrals Chapter of BNI. The more people who share our needs list, the more people are aware and can jump in to assist. Most people know a single parent, have been raised by a single parent, or are a single parent. They understand the need to be on that journey to self sufficiency.
Check out our blog!

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Our Current Pantry Needs
Our pantry is much different than most pantries. We are actually a Grocery Store for our clients. We keep anything you would purchase at the grocery in our pantry. Several things to note:
- You can get the most current pantry needs list be clicking below.
- You can drop off items in the bin at our Center; Middletown off Evergreen.
- You can order on Amazon and have delivered to our door.
- You can order from Kroger, Wal-mart, etc., and have delivered to Center between 10-4.
NOTE: Our address is 11921 Brinley Ave., Ste. 101, Louisville, KY 40243
For our latest list visit: