1. What changes have you had to make with COVID- 19? Plan my grocery trips around my children, plan my workday around my children…lots of changes to the way I handle my day-to-day business.
2. What has helped you stay sane during the quarantine? Baking sweets I don’t need to eat…lol.
3. Have you picked up any new hobbies since quarantine started? Home improvement — painted my new office and have plans (and paint) to paint my bedroom and dining room as well.
4. What is one thing your child/children enjoy about being home from school? What about you as a parent? My children enjoy spending time with me, even though I’m working. While I enjoy my kids being home, I’m really enjoying the financial benefits of not paying for childcare (even though I miss having the help).
5. What have you learned in your time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? I don’t really feel like I’ve had time away. I’m still working my 40 hours a week but now I’ve added being a kindergarten teacher to the list.
6. What are you and your family most looking forward to when quarantine is over? I’m looking forward to browsing the “dollar spot” at Target and the kids are looking forward to playing at the playground.
7. Give us your best joke! “Want to hear a roof joke? The first one’s on the house!”