- What changes have you had to make with COVID- 19?
I have had to finish the rest of my nursing degree at home, which to say the least has been a challenge. Also i have taken on a new role as a school teacher which has its good days and bad.
- What has helped you stay sane during the quarantine?
Having my family with me at home and a great support system through SPARC Hope.
- Have you picked up any new hobbies since quarantine started?
I haven’t had much time to really focus on much since I have been completing huge amounts of school work.
- What is one thing your child/children enjoy about being home from school? What about you as a parent?
Honestly for both of us just being home together, getting to spend much needed time with each other. These last two years have been very trying for myself and my 5 year old.
- What have you learned in your time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life?
I have learned that its okay to take a break every once and while and to enjoy the time you have with your loved ones. I needed this time to put things in perspective.
- What are you and your family most looking forward to when quarantine is over?
In the words of my son, doing something fun. Being able to go the park but also still using caution while doing so.
- Give us your best joke!
I got this good one from my 5 year old .
What is cheese that’s not yours?
Not your cheese!