Celebrating Independence Day at Home or About Town
By: Shandi Thompson
Independence Day has come to be one of my favorite holidays, and not just because it usually means I have the day after my birthday off. I’ve always been attracted to bright lights, shiny things, and I love a good burger or hot dog while hanging out among friends and family. So, Independence Day for me is a great intersection of all those things.
As you think about how you might be celebrating this year, here’s a few ideas around fun, cost effective things to do around town or at home.
Places To Go
For those of us whose bedtimes don’t allow us to stay up for the main fireworks events about town, there is still fun to be had.
- Independence Day Celebration: Summer on the Farm at Historic Locust Grove
- Where: Locust Grove, 561 Blankenbaker Lane
- When: July 4, 10:00 AM-4:30 PM
- Cost: Free admission, food trucks on site or bring a picnic lunch.
- More Info: Enjoy a walk-though of this historic house, re-enactments, readings from the Declaration of Independence and Frederick Douglass. https://www.locustgrove.org/
- Crescent Hill 4th of July Festival
- Where: Peterson-Dumesnil House, 301 South Peterson Ave
- When: July 4, 10:00 AM-10:00 PM
- Cost Free admission, with food trucks on site.
- More Info: This event also showcases an art fair, cake walk, kids’ activities and even a pet contest! https://www.crescenthill.us/
Of course, if you do want to be there for the big booms and sparkles, you can’t go wrong with Louisville’s biggest display.
- Waterfront Park 4th of July
- Where: Great Lawn, 231 E Witherspoon
- When: July 4, 5:00 PM –10:30 PM: Kids’ area open from 5:00-8:30 PM
- Cost: Free
- More Info: https://ourwaterfront.org/annual-events/fourth-of-july-at-waterfront-park/
- Bonus: On July 3rd there will be a free screening of The Sandlot at 8 PM with fireworks at 10 PM
What To Read
Snuggle up with your littles or have your older kiddos check out these books to learn a little about holiday.
- Our Flag was Still There: The True Story of Mary Pickersgill and the Star-Spangled Banner by Jessie Hartland
- Learn about how our national anthem came into being in 1812 thanks to a plucky seamstress, her helpers, and a poet.
- Blue Sky White Stars by Sarvinder Naberhous
- Gorgeous illustrations and simple verses give your kids a wonderful picture of our nation.
- This Land is Your Land by Woody Guthrie
- For music and illustration lovers alike, take a journey across America in this richly illustrated volume.
Crafts For the Whole Family
If you are looking for some additional activities to do at home while waiting for the hot dogs to be done or for the stars to come out, check out these easy crafts that can be done with items you probably have laying around the house.
- Launch Fireworks in a Jar and watch as a few household items become a beautiful display of color and science: https://www.icanteachmychild.com/fireworks-in-a-jar/
- Create a Grand Old Flag Mosaic out of old magazines. While this example is BIG for fun, it can be adapted to other sizes depending on what you have on hand: https://www.paper-and-glue.com/2015/06/grand-old-flag-kids-craft-giant-mosaic.html
- Build your own patriotic Sensory Bottles from ordinary items. Especially check out the glow in the dark version as you wait for the fireworks to begin: https://rhythmsofplay.com/diy-red-white-and-blue-stars-sensory-bottle/ | https://www.kcedventures.com/glow-in-the-dark-sensory-bottles-14-free-games-for-july-4th/
Shandi Thompson is a writer and marketer based in Louisville, where she cuddles with her cats, watches goslings grow, binge watches prestige TV, and slowly works her way through her ever growing “to be read” pile.
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