By: Sofia Avery

Consultant, Researcher, Digital Content, and Media.



Understanding the positive developmental impact of travel on kids

Travelling together as a family is an amazing experience, one that creates lifelong memories and opens your eyes to new lands, cultures and ways of life. But did you know that it also has the potential to positively impact your children’s development?


Introducing children to other cultures helps to expand their understanding of the world and improves their problem-solving abilities, whilst also encouraging them to be curious, adventurous and open-minded. Travelling also offers immersive learning opportunities that can’t be replicated in a classroom, and helps older children put what they have already learnt into context in the real world.


Although travelling can be stressful, research shows that overcoming the challenges that it undoubtedly brings helps children learn to be resilient and more independent. And you don’t need to take your family to a faraway destination to reap the benefits, as even a local camping trip offers great development-boosting opportunities for children. Ultimately, taking a holiday anywhere with your children allows you to spend large amounts of quality time with them, that you may not otherwise be able to due to schooling and work commitments.


This detailed resource from Love Holidays explains exactly how taking your children on holiday can help to boost their development, with regards to their brain development, social skills and life experiences. The guide also contains some top tips on how to enjoy new places and experiences with your family, so it’s well worth the read if you’re planning a family getaway.


We hope found this article on Understanding the positive developmental impact of travel on kids, insightful. What are your thoughts on the subject? Please connect with us on Facebook and Instagram and let us know!

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