Mom K – Mom K is working and schooling from home. She still has a high school student at home, but her two college students have returned to their apartments near the universities that they attend. She did a curbside pantry pick up for her groceries. She is...
Mom JS- This is a mom who already works from home. She has stayed busy in this season working full-time with two young kids at home, BOTH of her children have birthdays coming up, so at her pantry pick-up this week, we sent them birthday goodie bags (Thanks to Kristan...
Mom JG – She recently started work at a senior care facility as a CNA. Please pray for her health and safety. Her youngest is having severe allergy issues, even requiring a visit to the ER. She sent her nursing school application in this week and has asked for...
Mom L- She came by for curbside pantry pick-up this week with her two youngest. They were so excited about the Easter treats and the soft fleece blankets donated. Please cover this mom is prayer. She has final papers and projects due in May, has three children in the...
Mom A.C.- Good news for this mom and her little girl- She applied for and received 12 weeks paid leave from work due to her daughter being without childcare. This is through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. She will be paid her regular pay for the first...