SPARC Hope truly was a light in my life when I was in a very dark place. I was a single mom, in a new city with 2 very small children and no family or real solid friendships to speak of. I was directed to SPARC by a friend’s mom in passing. I wasn’t sure I would even qualify for the program but thought it was worth a shot.
The requirement to attend school and work piqued my curiosity and I made an appointment to speak with someone in the program. I never could have imagined the things I would gain at a time when I had very little motivating me outside of my children. The women at SPARC truly walk beside their parents, support them with words of encouragement, assisting when unexpected things arise (like a blowout tire, or an electricity bill that jumps up a bunch from one month to the next) as well as a food pantry and clothes closet.
I can attest to the benefit of having access to groceries, as there were some months, I was so tight on my budget that I had zero wiggle room for any uh-oh moments. The birthday bag that was put together for my daughter, ensured she had a cake and a gift, and she was never the wiser that her mom was struggling while trying to better her life. The little things have the biggest impact.
The families that sponsored my children for Christmas my first year in the program, will never truly know the relief and joy I had when picking up those gifts. I cried at the sheer volume and thought that went into shopping for my little ones. It was a blessing I didn’t even know I needed, and I am forever grateful for making our first Christmas on our own a memorable and joyous occasion.
Having strong, faith-based women to reach out to and ask for prayers, guidance and even advice is a beautiful perk of this program as well!
Overall, SPARC Hope is truly a group that will give a hand up and walk beside its clients as they take on the task of being super parents and chasing higher education to ultimately build a better life for themselves and their children.
-Belle Taylor